Bibliography for Church Studies



Books Relating to the Church

  • Allen, Alexander VG. Christian Institutions: Int’l Theol Lib. Charles Scribners, 1909. 577. Print. (Scholarly; critical; historical:by various authors)
  • Allen, Roland. Missionary Methods; St Paul’s or Ours? World Dominion, 1927. 236. Print. (Detailed outline; examines Paul’s methods;  much thought provoking material)
  • Anthony, Ed. Considering Worship. 1927. 127. Print. (Helpful OT background mat’l on worship;  brief sections)
  • Austin-Sparks, T. The Stewardship of the Mystery. Vol. 2. Witness & Testimony, 1939. 175. Print. (Misc essays on church related subjects)
  • Best, Ernest. One Body in Christ. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1955. 250. Print. (Extended scholarly treatment of the “body; building; bride”)
  • Beverley, R.M. The Subject of Ministry. Old ed. Pickering & Inglis. 93. Print (Somewhat negative;  views on the subj; ordination;  laying on of hands)
  • Campbell, R.K. The Church of the Living God. Believers helf, 1950. 330. Print (Thorough; church subjects;  critical of “entanglement in man’s religious systems”)
  • Candlish, James. The Christian Sacraments. T&T Clark. 129. Print. (Old; English traditional on Baptism & Lord’s Supper)
  • Cave, William. Primitive Christianity. Thomas Tegg; Oxford, 1840. 464. Print (Historical; scholarly; dissertation on church government)
  • Clarke, Arthur G. New Testament Church Principles. John Richie, 1962. 102. Print.(Brief; simple; principles of the Christian assembly; deals with misunderstood verses)
  • Crawford, Norman. Gathering Unto His Name. Truth & Tidings, 1985. 256. Print (Articles on assembly related matters from an older perspective)
  • Davies, J.M. The Lord and the Churches. Walterick, 1967. 188. Print. (Church truths with in depth study of the seven churches of Revelation)
  • Davis, C.J. Aids to Believers. Alfred Holness. 176. Print. (Older;  Mostly on the Lord’s Supper; about the church; Christian ministry)
  • Daughters, Ken. New Testament Church Government. Walterick, 1989. 118. Print (Thoughtful material on the question of a pattern for the church;)
  • Dennett, Edward. Twelve Letters to Young Believers. Old ed. 78. Print. (Assembly related questions for young believers)
  • Ellison, H.L. The Household Church. Paternoster, 1963. 96. Print. (The place and practice of the church today in light of apostolic practice)
  • Ford, David. Studies on the Baptismal Question. 1879. 416. Print. (Scholarly; historical; critical re: baptism; infant baptism etc.)
  • Fraser, Neil M. The Lord’s Supper. Emmaus Correspondence School, 1970. Print. (Six simple lessons for young believers on the Lord’s Supper)
  • Gaebelein, A.C. The Church in the House. Our Hope. 227. Print. (Mostly spiritual subjects but a few church related such as priesthood; the body)
  • Gibbs, Alfred P. Scriptural Principles of Gathering. Walterick. 46. Print. (Brief foundational on assembly distinctives; helpful for young believers)
  • Gibbs, Alfred P. The Lord’s Supper. Walterick, 1963. 216. Print. (Possibly the best work on the Lord’s Supper; very helpful)
  • Gibbs, Alfred P. Worship; The Christian’s Highest Occupation. Walterick. 238. Print. (A Classic; essential reading on the subject)
  • Hamilton, Fred. Why; NT Principles Today. Christian Missions in Many Lands, 1985. Print. (Limited number of assembly related articles; some negative)
  • Harlow, R.E. The Church of God; A Symposium. Everyday Publications, 1976. 111. Print. (Ten addresses by prominent assembly speakers on church subjects)
  • Hay, Alexander R. NT Order for Church and Missionary. NTMU, 1947. 530. Print. (A spiritual classic; essential for planters and workers; some unusual views)
  • Hitchman, Henry. Some Scriptural Principles of the Christian Assembly. John Richie, 1929. 202. Print. (Articles on assembly related matters from an older perspective)
  • Holiday, Alfred J. The Churches of the Saints. John Richie. 52. Print. (Old;  very brief articles on assembly related matters)
  • Hort, F.J.A. The Christian Ecclesia. M, 1900. 306. Print. (Scholarly;  special emphasis on the origins of the Christian ministry)
  • Hoste, William. Bishops, Priests and Decons. Pickering & Inglis. 196. Print. (Old;  great sense of humor;  extremely helpful for putting leadership subjects in perspective)
  • Inrig, Gary. Life in His Body. Harold Shaw, 1975. 182. Print. (Thought provoking articles on the nature and functions of the local church)
  • Kelly, William. Lectures on the Church of God. George Morrish. 259. Print. (An old classic on assembly related truth;  helpful and foundational)
  • Kimber, Thomas. Hist. Essays on Worship and Early Christian Church Quaker Perspective. David Tabor, 1890. 251. Print.
  • Lang, G.H. The Churches of God. Paternoster, 1959. 190. Print. (Original thinker; challenging perspective on assembly related subjects)
  • Lindsay, Thomas M. The Church and the Ministry in the Early Centuries. Harold Shaw, 1902. 398. Print. (The church in the first three centuries; helpful; insightful)
  • MacDonald, William. Buried by Baptism. Emmaus Correspondence School, 1957. Print. (Six lessons for young believers on the ordinance of baptism)
  • MacDonald, William. Christ Loved the Church. MC, 1956. 119. Print. (A Christian classic;  essential studies on NT church principles)
  • McClurkin, Robert. Divine Principles in an Evil Day. Gospel Folio, 1970. 125. Print. (Articles on assembly related matters from an older perspective)
  • Norbie, Donald. The Early Church. Christian Missions, 1983. 126. Print. (Thououghtful treatment of many NTC related subjects;  helpful)
  • Norbie, Donald. He Loved to Plant – TB Gilbert. GP, 1974. 109. Print. (Biography of a church planter; contains many insights on the nature; function of the church)
  • Oster, Merrill. Practical Principles of Gathering. Everyday Publications, 1976. 94. Print. (Brief; simple; principles of the Christian assembly)
  • John, Reid. The Chief Meeting of the Church. Christian Missions, 1978. 123. Print. (Mostly importance and order of Lord’s Supper; “chief meeting” is assumed)
  • Ridout, Samuel. The Church and Its Order According to Scripture. Loizeaux Brothers. 124. Print. (Articles on assembly related matters from an older perspective)
  • Smith, Daniel. The House of God. Accent. 93. Print. (Ten chapters on the house of God as seen by great men of both testaments)
  • Smith, Daniel. Worship and Remembrance. Vol. 2,3. Private (or Unlisted). 186. Print. (Meditations on the Lord’s Supper; much OT typology and related material)
  • Strauch, Alexander R. Biblical Eldership. Lewis & Roth, 1986. 422. Print. (A classic on the importance, design and practice of NT church eldership)
  • Stuart, C.E. Simple Papers on the Church of God. W.H.Broom, 1945. 166. Print. (Old;  reverent; foundational truth)
  • Streeter, B.H. The Primitive Church. M, 1929. 323. Print. (Scholarly; emphasis on the origins of the Christian ministry)
  • Swete, H.B. Essays on the Early History of the Church and the Ministry. M. Print. (Scholarly; critical;  historical by various authors)
  • Vine, W.E. The Church and the Churches. John Richie, 1964. 144. Print. (Helpful; divided into studies on the universal & local church truths)
  • Vogl & Fish. Understanding the Church. Loizeaux Brothers, 1999. 235. Print. (Articles on the nature and life of the church by various authors)
  • Watson, J.B. The Church: A Symposium. Pickering & Inglis, 1949. 230. Print. (Very helpful; 16 chapters by prominent writers on major assembly truths)
  • Weber, Rob. How Jesus Designed His Church. Private (or Unlisted), 2007. 180. Print. (From the “Bible Speaks” group;  church related subjects;  ? on role of women)
  • Williams, John. Living Churches. Paternoster, 1972. 144. Print. (General treatment of assembly related subjects)
  • Wilson, T. Ernest. God’s Call to Special Service. Christian Missions in Many Lands, 1979. 64. Print. (Excellent overview of the call of OT and NT servants of God)
  • Wolston, W.T.P. The Church; What Is It? Lowland & Border, 1945. 265. Print. (Ten lectures on the church;  much OT typology)

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